
Recipe Sharing App

Challenge: Create a Recipe Sharing application that allows users to share and discover recipes. Use any front-end libraries of your choice. Create your API.

Follow the instructions below:

  • Create and edit recipes with ingredients and instructions

  • Categorize recipes by cuisine or dietary preferences

  • Allow users to search for recipes by ingredients or keywords

  • Implement a rating and review system for recipes

  • User profiles to save favorite recipes

  • Share recipes on social media platforms

  • Provide a comment section for each recipe

  • Implement user authentication and authorization

  • Option to create private or public recipes

Once you have completed the challenge, submit your solution by providing the URLs for your GitHub repository and live application hosted on any platform. Additionally, please include a concise explanation of the work you have done.

Furthermore, we encourage you to assess and offer feedback on the solutions submitted by other participants.

How to start

  • Read the challenge's details
  • Start the challenge
  • Have fun coding!!